Brewer Fire Engine Company No.1

For emergency dial 911 or call
Dispatch at 845-425-9300

For non-emergencies call the
firehouse at 845-356-2611

Firematic Links

New York State Links

Homeland Security of Newyork.

TRAINING CALENDAR, On-Line Training Courses and many more preparadness resources

The link is to the FDNY Forcible Entry Reference Guide. It's a 177 page pdf document and it's an unbelievable resource.
It has valuable information that has been passed on for generations in FDNY. It discusses the history of Forcible entry,
tools, doors, locks, and techniques.The link is courtesy of our brothers at the FDNY Fire Factory (Engine 58 and Ladder 26.)
Be sure to check out their website

Firematic Links

"The U. S. Fire Administration tracks and collects information on the causes of on-duty firefighter fatalities that occur in the United States. We conduct an annual analysis to identify specific problems so that we may direct efforts toward finding solutions that will
reduce firefighter fatalities in the future. This information is also used to measure the effectiveness of programs directed
toward firefighter health and safety."

Think you have made some mistakes? Well LEARN from them and STAY SAFE! This well done site should be bookmarked and read often!

Everyone Goes Home® is a national program by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries. In March 2004, a Firefighter Life Safety Summit was held to address the need for change within the fire service. Through this meeting, the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives were produced and a program was born to ensure that Everyone Goes Home®.

FETC Services - Fire Emergency Training Consultation

The lost are of the fire service. A great site for tips, tricks and training.

Another informative site which you can gleam even more info off of 🙂

Some FDNY operational resources.

Several FDNY and other Fire Dept apparatus. Mike Martinelli was kind enough to take the photos of our trucks for us as well as display them on his site.

Fireboat John J. Harvey, launched in 1931, served the City of New York and New York Harbor until she retired in 1994. She was a historic first; the first fireboat powered by internal combustion engines, the first that could pump and maneuver simultaneously , and was the largest, fastest fire fighting machine of her time, capable of pumping 18,000 gallons per minute.

Other Fire Dept. Links

Rockland County Fire Explorer Post 44 is a program for Rockland County youth between the ages of 13 and 21. It simulates situations that are experienced in the fire services of the United States. their Drills consist of various training scenarios ranging from first - aid to structure fires.

Rockland County Government Fire Links

Rockland County Discussion Forums